By, Patricia Pendergrass, 2nd Place Winner
Lou Walker Center Students focus on taking the title at the Annual My Atlanta City Wide Competition
Congratulations go out to LWSC Photography Club members Sharon B. Dowdell and Patricia Pendergrass who won 1st and 2nd place awards respectively, in the Annual My Atlanta City–Wide Photography Competition. Both recipients are students in the LWSC Advanced Digital Photography Class, taught by instructor Bob GlickSmith.
The competition is part of the larger Atlanta Celebrates Photography (ACP) Month, where photographic art is exhibited and highlighted across Metropolitan Atlanta’s various galleries and art venues. The celebration typically runs from late September into mid-October.
The current My Atlanta Exhibit is on display at the Spencer Sloan Studio located in the lower level of the TULA ART CENTER, 75 Bennett Street, Atlanta GA 30309. The exhibit is open to the public and closes Saturday, October 15, 2016. Hours for viewing: Noon until 4PM Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 1, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14 & 15.
For additional information, please contact Bob GlickSmith, at email [email protected], or telephone, 972.567.5911. For information about this or other clubs at Lou Walker Senior Center or membership, please contact us at (770) 322-2900; email [email protected]; online at www.louwalkercenter.com.